5-26-21 “Active Humpbacks & Abundant Risso’s”

Wednesday was another full value adventure day, as rock-and-roll seas also yielded active Humpback Whales and abundant Risso’s Dolphin. Captain Danny, Deckhand Kevin, and myself (Zay) had little trouble finding the Dolphin early-on this morning, barely a mile out of the gate, and two humpback whales were sighted out by the south edge of the Monterey Submarine…


Sightings galore in the Monterey Bay! In the past week our trips have been seeing: Humpback Whales Blue Whales Fin Whales Killer Whales Dolphin It’s a fantastic time to get out on a boat and do some exploring! Here’s some recent photos taken by our Naturalist Andrew!

5-3-21 “Massive Feeding Frenzy!”

Full value on the high seas on Monday. Twelve passengers (a light load) set out with us on the AM trip, led by Captain Danny “The Tank” Frank, a seasoned Monterey Mariner. Fog rolled in quickly on the AM trip, and westward we charged with hopes of breaking through the fog, which we did just…

4-8-21 “Adventurous Souls”

Adventure on the high seas! Thursday saw the Pacifica charging out into a wavy bay with 24 adventurous souls aboard. With captain Danny “The Tank” Frank at the helm, we had little trouble in locating three species of cetaceans 🙂 Early on, Danny sighted a moderate pod of Risso’s (Grampus griseus) dolphin, who graced us…

4-5-21 “The Triumphant Return”

  Zay has returned. Two months of Covid-19 refuge in the Hawaiian islands has sent me back to the mainland with a fire inside, rekindled and emblazoned anew. As the tides of pandemic recede, tourism returns to Monterey, and we the whale fleet are finally feeling the relief of steady business. Just in time; the…