April 12 2017

A day for dolphins! We had an awesome encounter with a mixed species pod of dolphins in addition to our whale sightings today. While we can see dolphins often throughout the year, we do not see them every single trip, so each encounter is special and exciting. We had 6 Humpback Whales, 300 Northern right…

April 11 2017

A lovely morning on Monterey Bay. Today on our 10:00AM whale watch trip we had 1 Fin Whale, 1 Blue Whale, 5 Humpback Whales, and a Black-footed Albatross! We started the trip with a mellow pair of humpbacks who were practicing their synchronized swimming routine as they slowly surfaced together between dives. We also got a…

April 10 2017

Absolutely amazing start to our week! We had a lovely crowd on board the Sur Randy for both trips today. In the morning, the 10am whale watch trip saw 7 Gray Whales, 1 Humpback Whale, 3 Dall’s Porpoise, 1 Laysan Albatross and 1 Black-footed Albatross! The gray whales are heading north through Monterey Bay on…

April 9 2017

Our maiden voyage! We were able to take our first trip out this afternoon on the Sur Randy. We had a nice light crowd for the day and we enjoyed some humpback whales. Sea conditions were fairly unsettled and a but breezy, but the whales seemed to enjoy it. We were treated to several breaches…