Our Sunday trips were marked with more big swell and consistent wind. The morning trip we spotted a few scattered Risso’s Dolphins and just as we made our way outside of the bay we found one young Humpback Whale that immediately breached right off our bow. The show continued for twenty minutes. A fantastic way to start our trip but also set the expectations high. Once the whale calmed down, we cruised for miles to the south west, then turned North to follow the edge of the canyon.
After more than an hour of seeing no whales we were worried our early whale might be our last. As we eventually made our way back into Monterey bay we finally found more humpbacks spread out over a small area. As we moved into position with one we had a double breach not too far away! We approached the whales steadily and watched as they put on a show for us.
The afternoon trip the winds picked up a bit more. We stayed inside the bay and found a several whales zigging and zagging from east to west. Despite the weather being more challenging, most of our passengers were on the rails getting their looks, engaging and asking questions. Their perseverance paid off when we had a Whale jump out of the water and put on a brief but explosive performance. Overall, another successful day whale watching in Monterey Bay.
-Naturalist Andrew B