Experienced Crew

  • Our crew is experienced, knowledgeable, and passionate about marine life. Many have worked in the Monterey whale watching industry for years, bringing together expertise from across the West Coast.

Ideal Location

  • Monterey Harbor, situated at the protected southern end of Monterey Bay, is the perfect starting point for our 3.5-4 hour tours. From here, we can explore the entire bay and search for wildlife along the Pacific Grove coast and into Carmel Bay, rich feeding grounds for whales, dolphins, and seabirds.

Citizen Science Opportunities

  • Join us in participating in citizen science! Learn how to take and submit photos for humpback whale research with Happywhale. Your involvement helps contribute to vital research while enjoying your trip.

Commitment to Safety

  • Safety is our top priority. We provide life jackets for all children aged 6 and under or those weighing 60 pounds or less. Our vessels undergo regular maintenance, are U.S. Coast Guard certified, and are inspected annually to ensure the highest safety standards.

Knowledgeable Naturalists

  • Our naturalists stay current on the latest marine research and are dedicated to sharing up-to-date information with our guests. They communicate scientific knowledge in an accessible way, enriching your experience with the latest discoveries about local wildlife.

Inclusive and Accessible

  • We welcome guests of all ages, though we ask pregnant women to join us after their baby is born. For those with limited mobility, please note there are about 13 steps to navigate to the boarding area, and tide levels may affect the step onto the boat. We use steps to make boarding as level as possible.

Innovative Technology

  • Discovery Whale Watch stays at the forefront of industry technology. We continuously update our vessels, web resources, and services to provide the best possible experience for our guests.

Join us for an unforgettable adventure, combining passion, knowledge, and cutting-edge technology to bring you closer to the wonders of Monterey Bay!