The great days at sea continue for us here at Discovery Whale Watch! Capt. Mat led both trips today and each trip ended up with happy and satisfied passengers. Blue sky’s led to great lighting but a little bump was felt further offshore. Right as we left the harbor, I was able to find about 2 Risso’s dolphins. The 2 eventually led us to a pod of about 100 dolphins. Previous blue whale sightings took us to offshore waters where we saw some blue whales once again.
Humpback whales are still very plentiful in the bay area! Some have already headed to their warmer breeding grounds but we still have had great encounters. The 2 humpbacks we spotted during our morning trip made many close passes near us and did a few tail throws and tail slaps.
Come and join us for a amazing experience here at Discovery Whale Watch! Recent trips have been amazing!
Naturalist Eric Austin Yee