Both our 9AM and 1:30PM trip had great encounters with whales today! Each trip had close passes by different species of whales. The 9AM trip saw 2 blue whales, 4 humpback whales and great close passes by 2 fin whales. The 2 fin whales passed so close, our passengers got to see their unique features, such as their huge dorsal fin and white lower right jaw. Larger fin whales can reach 90 feet in certain parts of the world, the 2 that we witnessed were easily larger than our boat the Pacifica.

A fin whale passes our boat showing off its white chevron along its back and tall dorsal fin.
Our 1:30PM trip was lucky enough to get close passes by five humpback whales. Humpbacks are the most frequently spotted whale in the bay but they still amaze our guest and crew everyday. Today’s close passes allowed us looks at certain features that sometimes are ignored. Barnacles are often visible when we get close passes by whales. Some large whales can actually have hundreds of pounds of barnacles on their bodies. For humpback whales, the barnacles can actually be useful during competitive behavior among male whales. The hard shelled barnacles can be used like body armor while male whales compete for the right to escort or possibly breed with a female. The barnacles cover the humpback whales chin area, edge of their flukes and even the edge of their pectoral fins. These barnacle covered appendages are swung at other whales during competitive behavior.

Barnacles covering this humpback whales flukes can be used to scratch up other whales during competitive behavior.
Please join us for a life changing experience on the Monterey Bay here at Discovery Whale Watch! Our fall has been full of amazing encounters!
Naturalist Eric Austin Yee