Plenty of active humpback whales were seen on both our trips today here at Discovery Whale Watch! Our morning trip had humpback whales lunge feeding close to our boat the Pacifica. The anchovies that our whales thrive upon were seen close to the surface. This allows us to guide our guest eyes to the exact spot where the whales will pop up with their mouths wide open to gobble up the tiny fish. Our second trip still had feeding activity but most of it occurred sub surface. About hundred California sea lions joined in on the feeding frenzy and delighted out guest with their antics. At one point a mother and calf humpback whale popped up just a few feet away from us after its feeding dive. This close look allowed our guest to get good looks at all the unique details on these gorgeous animals.

A pair of humpback whales diving in unison during todays 1:30PM trip. 11-17-2019