The seas today definitely calmed down compared to yesterday which lead to easier exploring for both our trips! Our 9AM trip started the day multiple humpback whales just North of Point Pinos. There were at least 5 humpback whales around us but 2 swam side by side and made viewing easier for our guest. Both whales fluked many times and show really well!

A humpback whale breaks the surface of the sea to exhale.
Once we left our humpback whales we decided to try to continue our streak of consistent blue whale sightings. One blue whale near Point Pinos was seen from the distance but had a trend of staying down for 15 minutes. We decided to continue cruising down South towards Point Lobos to try for a better showing blue whale. A lone humpback whale was spotted by deckhand Kevin near our target area but we let it be to search for blue whales. Capt. Rod was able to spot a lone blue whale just South of the Carmel Highlands but after just a few blows the animal disappeared. As time ran short we had to turn towards home but I continued by search for a good showing blue whale for my guest. Luckily, near Cypress Point a blue whale popped up and delighted everyone with a great surfacing near our boat.

A huge blue whale shows off its tiny dorsal fin.
Risso’s dolphins also showed up on both our trips today! The pod spotted during our 9AM trip seemed to be in a hurry and cut thru the glassy water with ease creating super photo opportunities.

Risso’s dolphin slicing thru the sea.

Risso’s dolphin slicing thru the sea.
The highlight of the day has to be our fin whale encounter during our 1:30 PM trip. We had about 8 huge fin whales surround our passengers while they fed on krill! These huge whales are only dwarfed by the blue whale and have been seen frequently in recent days.

A huge fin whale displays its dorsal fin as it exhales.
The Monterey Bay once again made me proud to call the area home with its marine mammal diversity! Please come and join us on a trip soon!
Naturalist Eric Austin Yee