5/29/22 “The Frenzy”

Two and a half days of immaculate seas and incredible whales has been a cherished respite in the midst of the constant barrage of NW winds these past few months, and as they say, “All Good Things…” Discovery sent out two boats this morning, making haste as impending wind loomed on the horizon. Barely three…

5-21-22 ” Solid Trips, Good/Hardy Passengers, no Small Supply of Sea Shanties”

An interesting few days, as both Thursday and Friday boasted similar morning-only trips (afternoons cancelled by continued Northwesterly winds). Both saw roughly 15 humpbacks, whereas the former additionally saw 80 Risso’s Dolphin. Solid trips, good and hardy passengers, and no small supply of sea shanties 🙂 Today’s weather was merciful enough to allow for two…

5/15/22 “Deja-Blue”

Deja-vu… or shall I say, Deja-Blue! A remarkable repeat of yesterday: Dozens of Humpback Whales at the beginning, friendly 2 Fin Whales out over the Canyon..  and just as the wind and clock decried our return, a single Blue Whale appeared just close enough for us to get a single, fantastic look and with even…


 Bluuuuuueeeeee Whaaaaaaallllessss! As the powerful northwesterly winds continue to pound our coast, they also continue to serve as the physical mechanism for the nutrient rich coastal upwelling that fuels our ecosystems. As a result (amongst many) we have started to see Blue Whales  out over the canyon the last few days. Not only the Blues,…

5/7/22 “Friendly Whales-The Jackpot!”

Guess who’s back, back again? You guessed it: the wind. Stiff Northwesterlies greeted us almost immediately as we left the harbor, though with otherwise flat water, their effect was mostly only visual (small, frequent white caps and the occasional light spray over the bow). Undeterred, we soon reached the edge of the canyon, where many…