Beautiful blue skies and a calm seas greeted our guest today at Discovery Whale Watch. Capt. Rod guided our crew and guest to a hot spot from yesterday that did not disappoint. From a distance we started seeing splashes from active Risso’s dolphins and the blows from a few humpback whales! We decided to concentrate on the dolphins first since they move faster than humpbacks and might leave the area. The Risso’s were active and few flew out of the water near us and some did head slaps. Upon closer inspection we noticed our little white friend Casper the Albino Risso’s dolphin (some think the animal is albino, some say leucistic) was in this huge pod! Later on we enjoyed the humpbacks in the area that passed closed to our boat and even had one demonstrate a head slap for our guest to experience. We explored a little further West and spotted more humpbacks!
Naturalist Eric Austin Yee

Casper the Risso’s Dolphin. 11-10-20 Photo by naturalist Eric Austin Yee

A pair of humpback whales diving in unison. 11-10-20 Photo by naturalist Eric Austin Yee