Today was all about dichotomy, a reminder that each and every trip is unique. This morning, we set out into glassy and calm seas with a light overcast. To the North, out in the middle of Monterey Bay, we found 2 separate Humpback Whales. The first breached once as we approached it, then becoming elusive. Hence, we pressed on, and quickly found another who, by coincidence, was also a breacher. However, this one was a chronic breacher! Over and over again, the whale alternated between breaching, tail slapping, and pectoral fin slapping. Our passengers were rendered speechless. After quite some time, we made our way home, only to find a large pod of some 100 Risso’s Dolphin, with Casper (the albino!) in their ranks. Finally, we made it home, and set out again with a fresh load of souls out for the Humpback grounds. This time, we spotted one (likely one of the whales from the morning trip) who breached (again!) several times as we approached, but this time – as we neared – it vanished. For twenty minutes, we searched around, and while the conditions were prime for spotting the animal, we were unable to locate it. Eventually, we made our way out west, to the Grey Whale grounds, and after a long while of searching, found a pair of Greys, heading North. With precious few minutes on the clock remaining, we squeezed every good look we could, before it was time to head home. Overall, a successful day, and our passengers were better for it.
-Naturalist Isaiah