CA State Parks & Discovery Whale Watch School Trips

  Welcome! This page is for updates and information for the school program hosted collaboratively between CA State Parks and Discovery Whale Watch. Curriculum: Historical Whale Walking Tour 2018 Microplastics Optional Lab Water Quality Monitoring in the Monterey Bay Lab     La Motte Vertical Water Sampler Protocol Plankton Monitoring Investigation Lab      Plankton_Protocol_061617 Kelp Adaptation…

10/21/18 Science Sunday Notes

10/21/18 Science Sunday Free lecture at the Seymour Marine Discovery Center at Long Marine Lab – Santa Cruz, CA Topic: Mysteries of Davidson Seamount and Sur Ridge Revealed – Exploring ancient, deep-sea coral communities Speaker: Dr. Andrew DeVogelaere – Research Coordinator / SIMoN Program Director for Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary   Since 2008 the…

Specialty Trips – Sunrise Photography Trips

Specialty Trips: Sunrise Photography Trips Offered every Wednesday! These trips will be geared towards spending more time with whales during ideal lighting hours for photography and enjoyment. We will be searching for a wide variety of wildlife including large whales, dolphins, Killer Whales, seabirds and more! Our resident photographer Slater Moore will be on board…

September 6th 2018

We had some surprise visitors today! After months without a sighting we came across a group of Common Dolphins! The name of the species is truly Common Dolphin – mostly because they are encountered in all the world’s oceans. We typically see them when sea temperatures rise in the bay. You are more likely to…

August 24th 2018

Sea conditions were gorgeous today! There was hardly any swell and no wind on the bay. Slater Moore joined us onboard this morning and made a vlog of today’s trip. We sighted scattered Humpbacks throughout the trips but a mom and calf pair stole the show. As we followed the mom and baby Humpback pair…

August 10th 2018 (Vlog)

It was a terrible day to be an anchovy! We had excellent lunge feeding on all three of our trips. The humpbacks were north along the sand dunes which made it easy to find them on all of our departures despite fog off and on all day. Slater Moore, our photographer, joined us for our…

July 30th 2018 (Vlog)

We found Humpbacks Whales north along the sand dunes today. The whales have been roaming this part of the coast most of the summer so far. When we left the harbor we entered some foggy conditions out on the bay. As we worked our way up the coast we encountered several areas where Humpbacks and…

July 25th 2018 (Vlog)

The Chubasco and the Sur Randy both went whale watching this morning. We started out with a nice sunny day at the wharf, but that quickly changed when got outside the harbor. We entered a thick fog bank and had quite a bit of swell to deal with while searching for whales. The vessels took…

July 18th 2018 (Vlog)

What a beautiful day in the bay. We observed five species of marine mammals once we left the harbor! We started our trip with Humpback Whales and California Sea Lions feeding together. Up next we had a large pod of Risso’s Dolphins (500-600 dolphins) with a small number of Pacific Whitesided Dolphins mixed in (30-40).…

July 16th 2018 (Vlog)

Earlier in the day we had observed Blue Whales and Humpbacks. So our photographer, Slater Moore, joined us for the afternoon tour. The Blue Whales had moved out of the area, but we still had an excellent viewing of Humpbacks. We observed lunge feeding behavior from the Humpbacks and they were joined by over a…